These are just some of our 116 current members who enjoy the benefits and friendships that come with being in HOG. Please come and join us.
Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month at H-D Erie @6:30 p.m.
Rides are happening all the time.
Attention Members
Are you receiving our emails? A lot of communications from the HOG Officers are sent out this way. If you aren't getting these updates and would like to, send your email address to Robin at membership@eriehog.com.
Membership Renewal
Need to renew your membership?
Click here for details.
Our Next HOG Meeting
Next Meeting is Tuesday, February 4
6:30 p.m.
at HD Erie
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Check out our Calendar or Facebook page for all event details
Our Facebook page is available to all our active members.
We also post to Friends of Erie HOG for non-members